Native Advisory Council

Guiding Nest’s work with Native and Indigenous communities, the Native Advisory Council represents different professional backgrounds and Native American tribal affiliations with a mutual passion for the power of craft. Our advisors provide expertise and guidance to ensure Nest’s approach to program implementation complements the existing efforts of Native-led organizations and that Nest’s program is informed by history, social and economic context, and the academic research that is required for success.

Meet the Council

  • Andrea Hanley (Navajo)

    Vice President of Programming, Native Arts and Cultures Foundation

  • Danielle Lote (Cherokee Nation)

    Associate Director of Advancement, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

  • Kelly Hallman (Cherokee Nation)

    Founder and Executive Director of the Indigenous Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Network (IMAGEN) and the Indigenous Justice Circle

Nest Indigenous Artisans Collective, woman wearing traditional attire.

Vina Brown | Copper Canoe Woman

Indigenous Artisans Collective

Through the Indigenous Artisans Collective, Nest and Etsy are honored to support Indigenous makers by bringing greater attention and market opportunity to Indigenous craft traditions.

In addition to creating opportunities for economic advancement for participating makers, the Collective was established to spark interest and curiosity in Indigenous craft among consumers. It is intended to be a celebration of the cultures and craftsmanship that have been borne out of the lands of the southwestern United States and Canadian territories and the communities who have inhabited them for generations.